Saturday, September 12, 2009


Mexico: A very expensive electoral system.

By Sergio Sarmiento

Even when in 2010, there will not be federal elections, the Electoral Federal Institute (IFE, by its initials in spanish), its asking for a budget of 9.239 millions of pesos for this year. Of these gigantic quantity, 6.215 millions will be spent by the IFE, while three thousand millions will be separated between the political partys.

The IFE says that this budget is a reduction of their expenditure of more than 12.800 millions of pesos of 2009. But they omit in showing that in 2009 there was federal elections and in 2010, there will not be anyone. The fact is that we have created a burocratic and political monster that lives of bleeding a poor country that should use this resources for something more productive.

This costs are only the oficial. Besides there’s a lot of money that enters in the campaings in a suspicious way, and honestly sometimes illegal. The goverments give money to the parties they have risen, but they don’t recognize this. Besides, there’s the enormous real cost of the 32 millions TV and radio spots that were transmitted during the campaing. The IFE functionaries and the politicians say to us that these spots are free. But there’s nothing free in this world. The real cost of these spots easily duplicates the formal cost of the elections.

So we have expensive elections that costs more to the taxpayers that in anyother place in the world. There are elections more expensive, of course, like the ones in the US, but the costs are paid by the people involved in the campaing by private contributions. There are others that are paid with the money of the public treasury, like in many countries of Europe, but their costs are infinitely inferior than ours. Our politicians have gaved us the worst of the worlds. A electoral system paid by the taxpayers, but with similar costs of the countries with a private system.

The IFE has defended their expenditure in the past stating that an important part of this is dedicated to the maintainance of the electoral roll and the electoral ID Cards, which are the most expensive ones in the world. With the rising of a new oficial indentification for the mexicans, which is in the law since 4 decades ago but just now has been approved by the federal government, the electoral ID card will be unnecessary, such ID Card has filled the necessity or requiement to count with an official ID card recognized in the whole country.

The IFE is opossing that the Secretary of Government turn alive this proyect of the new identity card because they don’t want to lose the enourmous quantity of money that has managed for the actual ID Card, which has the disadvantage as national identity, because it stops being emitted during electoral and campaing times.

Not even the wealthier nations of the world will have the luxury of having an electoral system so expensive and inefficient such as the mexican. The fact that we have it, that we are able to spend 9 thousand million of pesos, much more than any other country in campaing times, reveals us that there’s something fundamentally evil in the mexican political system.


  1. Please Guys, Say something!!

  2. The IFE require much money for elections even though it is election year, have also not as effective as the system developed and demand money that is not really anywhere.
    The money to politicians is unnecessary because only campaigning to have conflicts with other parties and show off the things that really are not going to perform, in 2010 there is no federal election and should be half of the money demand.

    The project raised the Interior Ministry should be implemented to save money.

  3. He is acceptable that ife occupies money to stay, but is not necessary such amount of money, since they do not do well its work, furthermore that is not logical either requests that it since there is elections no the next year, is unnecessary for them. All this is pure corruption.

    Valencia GRijalva

  4. I fodder that is too much money the one that is being spent unnecessarily, that money could be invested in something really productive for the society like education of quality, buys of more materials in the schools, construction of hospitals etc., not squandering it in publicity and unnecessary things. It is why nowadays so the positions related in policy are yearned for because much money that bad is turned aside therefore brings consequently that rich he is richer and the poorest poor man for that reason Mexico never can advance and it is always a mediocre country.

  5. I fodder that is the money much that asks those of the IFE instead of to help to people whom they need, supporting it to them economic to the people of but low resources and the periphery of the city.

  6. The IFE work is make the elections with democracy. Today is working with more money that years ago, spending more presupposed. His president spend Hundred Fifty Thousand of pesos a month while the democracy of mexico don´t go for good way.

    Milagros Limón

  7. la verdad es una tonteria que el pais destine tantos miles de pesos a estas cosas tan inutiles e innecesarias mas bien deberian destinar estos recursos para incrementar el empleo y la educacion o en dar ayuda a los mas necesitados no en cosas inservibles y sin razon de ser
